Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Trapped free essay sample

In the society today, more often than not, it is the men who has control over things. This doesn’t necessarily mean that they are better than the women but this has just been the case for the longest time that it has already become a tradition or part of the culture. When a man likes a woman, for example, he has the option to show this to her or initiate something for their relationship to develop. On the other hand, when it is the woman who likes a man, she has to wait for the man to like her also before she can show her affection to him. This control of men over certain things doesn’t just apply to love or relationships. It also applies in a lot of other situations like in the family etc. In the story â€Å"The Corral† by Edith Tiempo, we see a woman named Pilar who struggles in her life because her decisions are bounded by the people around her and this culture of being conservative for the women in her society. We will write a custom essay sample on Trapped or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In the story, it doesn’t directly say that Pilar is attracted to Gregorio, a man who is introduced as a relatively handsome and hardworking guy, an alpha male, but it is quite obvious that she is interested in him on the basis of her actions towards the man. After their first meeting, she asks Elmo, their servant child, some questions about the man and also talks about him in some instances. â€Å"That man Gregorio, where is he taking all that firewood? † (Tiempo). She also watched closely as Gregorio stretched after eating and left him additional water before she went on in their second meeting in the grove. However, even though Pilar is interested in Gregorio, she is unable to show him much about this affection. In their second meeting. he tries her best to conceal her liking of the man by not throwing herself at him and keeping her silence until Gregorio starts talking because a woman who is too showy is badly looked upon in her society. In their second meeting also, it is noticeable that it is Gregorio, the man, and not Pilar who starts up the conversation this shows the norm in the society that in this kind of situation, it is the man who is more accepted to make the first move and not the woman. Thus, it is also the man who has the control over the situation. As the story goes on, it is seen that Pilar is not only repressed by the norms in the society but also by the people around her. Looking now at her relationship with her father, we see that Pilar is unhappy about some of her father’s actions but she is unable to confront him about these things. â€Å"She didnt want to be irritated at her father because there has already been to much politeness between them lately, and it was a strain. † (Tiempo) This shows that Pilar sometimes feels bad about how she is treated by her father but she holds back her emotions so as not to ruin the courtesy between them. Also, because of her father’s authority, she is pushed around to do things according to her father’s desires. â€Å"You rather enjoy being my reason, Father, don’t you? You rather like it. †Ã‚   (Tiempo). This was Pilar’s follow up when she said that she told Mr. Perfecto that she quit her job because she had to take care of her father which shows that what she is doing, quitting her job and taking care of the household is all for her father’s satisfaction. This authority of his father is what leads her to pursue her father’s wants rather than her own.

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