Sunday, January 5, 2020

The Loss Of Innocence By William Golding - 2100 Words

Mutated Innocence: Rough Copy Innocence is a characteristic that humans possess from birth. It is a quality of being free from guilt, sin, or moral wrong. When humans begin to mature, their innocence can evolve into one that benefits them as they start to gain knowledge or have experience; alternatively, it can also lead to a disadvantage, as a result of humans tending to misuse what they achieve through their life. In Lord of the Flies, William Golding displays the central theme of innocence, as a quality that decreases in the boys over time as a result of them losing their understanding of society, consequently leading them to act like savages. The loss of innocence is viewed through the foreshadowing of Piggy and Simon’s death which leads to the boys’ personalities becoming savage, the irony in how they communicate or what they do drifts them towards savagery, along with symbolism that relates to hunting which ultimately brings fear among the boys. The use of foreshadowing depicts decline in inn ocence, specifically from two major deaths; the death of Simon and Piggy. These deaths clearly represent the attributes of savagery and prepares the reader for possible future events. Primarily, the loss of innocence can be observed from the Lord of the Flies, symbolizing the sow’s head which foreshadows Simon’s death. The Lord of the Flies says, â€Å"We are going to have fun on this island. Understand? We are going to have fun on this island! So don’t try it on, my poor misguidedShow MoreRelatedLord Of The Flies Nature Analysis1027 Words   |  5 PagesCline Ms.Tantlinger Honors English 10 2 January 2018 Man’s Evil State of Nature shown through the Loss of Innocence in Jack and the Hunters The novel Lord of the Flies, is an excellent exemplar written by William Golding in showing the true evil state of man’s nature. 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