Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Ethical Issues Among Registered Health Professional-myassignmenthelp

Question: Write about theEthical Issues Among Registered Health Professional. Answer: Health care professionals are faced with ethical and legal challenges in their daily basis. The most people facing ethical problems are the nurses. Health professionals provide preventive, curative and rehabilitative health care services to the society, family and other people. Code of ethics for nurses serves as a guideline for them to do work in effective quality and ethical responsibility (American Nurses Association, 2007). Nurses face many moral issues in their work location such as truth verses deception, quality vs quantity, pro-choice vs pro-life, control against freedom, practical information vs individual principles, and distribution of resources (Fant, 2012). Palliative care can be provided anywhere. Ethical concerns a health professional faces are privacy, relations with patients and harmony (Stirrat et al., 2010). There is an example of a woman suffering from metastatic breast cancer and she was hospitalized to control pain. Her pain worsened regardless of her regime of lorazepam, amitriptyline, celecoxib and high dosages of morphine sulfate oxycodone and hydrochloride forcing hospitalization again. She was given intravenous (IV) hydromorphone hydrochloride and lorazepam (NICE, 2004). Her pain worsened and hydromorphone infusion was increased reaching 40 mg/h with 5-15 mg boluses. Pain became unbearable hence hydromorphone infusion was increased to 100mg/h and 100 mg boluses in every 15-30 minutes. Myoclonic jerks developed in the entire body. Morphine caused an opposing impact where fentanyl had no controlled over the pain. Lorazepam IV was increased up to 64 mg in 90 minutes with no change on her myoclonic operation. A conclusion was reached to introduce palliative treatment to provide relief for her since she couldnt sleep. She was given phenobarbital dose maintained on a constant phenobarb ital infusion. Continued myoclonus made her insensitive, she was them administered with dantrolene and within 20 minutes, her myoclonus subsided and died peacefully after four hours later (Fant, 2012). References Fant, C. (2012). Ethical Dilemmas in Nursing. Nurse Together. Retrieved November 20, 2012 from: NICE (2004). Improving Supportive and Palliative Care for Adults with Cancer. London, National Institute for Clinical Excellence. American Nurses Association. (2007). Code of ethics for nurses with interpretive statements. Nurses books. org. Stirrat, G. M., Johnston, C., Gillon, R., Boyd, K. (2010). Medical ethics and law for doctors of tomorrow: the 1998 Consensus Statement updated. Journal of Medical Ethics, 36(1), 55-60.

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