Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Centripetal Force Essay Example

Centripetal Force Essay Experiment: Uniform circular motion and centripetal force Results Mass(kg)| Radius(m)| Velocity(m/s)| CentripetalForce[Calculation](kg. m/s2)| CentripetalForce[Measure](kg. m/s2)| StandardDerivation(%)| 0. 02406| 0. 0900| 2. 023| 1. 094| 0. 7349| 32. 8| 0. 02406| 0. 0900| 2. 584| 1. 785| 1. 446| 19. 0| 0. 02406| 0. 0900| 3. 153| 2. 658| 2. 351| 11. 4| 0. 02406| 0. 0900| 3. 702| 3. 662| 3. 374| 7. 86| 0. 02406| 0. 0900| 4. 238| 4. 801| 4. 525| 5. 75| Force versus Mass Mass(kg)| Radius(m)| Velocity(m/s)| CentripetalForce[Calculation](kg. m/s2)| CentripetalForce[Measure](kg. m/s2)| StandardDerivation(%)| 0. 109| 0. 0900| 3. 86| 1. 805| 1. 519| 15. 8| 0. 0225| 0. 0900| 3. 86| 3. 725| 3. 825| 2. 68| 0. 0437| 0. 0900| 3. 86| 7. 235| 7. 531| 4. 09| 0. 0672| 0. 0900| 3. 86| 11. 13| 11. 615| 4. 36| Force versus 1/Radius Mass(kg)| Radius(m)| Velocity(m/s)| CentripetalForce[Calculation](kg. m/s2)| CentripetalForce[Measure](kg. m/s2)| StandardDerivation(%)| 0. 0437| 0. 0900| 3. 86| 7. 235| 6. 87 9| 4. 92| 0. 0437| 0. 0800| 3. 86| 8. 130| 8. 253| 1. 51| 0. 0437| 0. 0700| 3. 86| 9. 301| 9. 145| 1. 67| 0. 0437| 0. 0600| 3. 86| 10. 852| 10. 118| 6. 76| Interpreting data Based on the graph plotted, we can know that : F (centripetal force) is directly proportional to v2 (velocity2) * F (centripetal force) is directly proportional to m (Mass) * F (centripetal force) is inversely proportional to R (Radius) And so, it is proved that the centripetal force of the uniform circular motion ; F=mv2R Discussion * As for the first experiment ( Force versus velocity? ), due to some technical problem all the data that had been obtained from the experiment couldn’t be saved thus all the data are taken with approvement from our friend , Gary Tan ( General Physics and Experiment (I) [PHY 1011-09-00] ). * According to the Force versus velocity? , graph , as the velocity increases the centripetal force increases as well. The same thing goes for the Force versus Mass graph , as the mass incr eases the centripetal force also increases. As for Force versus 1/radius graph, the more the radius increases the more the centripetal force decrease. Thus , the hypothesis is accepted. * There is some difference between the actual value of centripetal force which can be obtained through formula ( mv? /r) and the measured value of centripetal force as shown in the table. This is due to some error made in experiment which are basically divided into two types; systematic error and random error. Systematic error are the unavoidable error due to the defect of the equipment itself meanwhile random error are errors made by human such as parallax error. * When handling this experiment , there are some precaution that need to be taken in order to obtain the best result. Firstly , its best to avoid the parallax error when reading the ruler. Our eyes should be perpendicular to the ruler when reading the measurement to obtain an accurate reading. On the other hand as for the force versus 1/radius experiment , one should make sure that the velocity is constant through out the whole experiment by increase the voltage for each repetition. We will write a custom essay sample on Centripetal Force specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Centripetal Force specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Centripetal Force specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Furthermore , the wire that are hung at the force sensor should be in straight and directly perpendicular towards the pulley. These precautions are important as it would affect the result of one’s experiment. CONCLUSION * In conclusion , one’s centripetal force can be obtained from the formula F=mv2R . Reference * Hugh D. Young, Carnegie Mellon. (2012): University Physics with Modern Physics, 13th edition. ( Page 154,155 ) [1] (Centripetal force) | | | | | 12| e-mail| jais[emailprotected] ac. kr| | 2013142068| | 323? | | Azrin Lau| | |

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